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Global Creative & Marketing Executive Search

Burō Talent offers specialized executive searches that are highly tailored to the needs of each client. Our approach is of a consultative nature; listening to clients’ objectives and working closely with the hiring team and HR to advise what kind of talent is required to achieve those goals. Through its extensive network and experience, the firm seeks out innovative and diverse talents that must also be a cultural fit for the brand.

We provide superior service, industry insight and experience with a special expertise in Creative Design, Product and Marketing.

Burō Talent represents Director to C-suite roles

Chief Creative Officer
Creative Director
Chief Marketing Officer
SVP Global Brand Design
Senior Partner - Creative
VP Artistic Direction
VP Visual Merchandising
VP Global Brand Collaborations & Partnerships
VP Product Merchandising
VP of E-Commerce
VP Global Marketing
Product VP Design
Head/Director Design
Product Development Director

What exactly is an Executive Search firm?

When a company is looking to hire a candidate, they will hire an Executive Search firm with the functional expertise to conduct the talent search. The executive search firm is retained  - paid in stages throughout the search - by the client to introduce top talent. An executive search firm always works exclusively on each search and provides the client with regularly updated search reports. The executive search firm qualifies the candidate, negotiates contracts, checks references, works with legal teams in the case of sponsorship.

What is the difference between an Executive Search firm and a Recruiting (Contingency) firm?

An Executive Search firm works exclusively on a search and is retained by the client. The Executive Search firm provides the client with regular updated progress reports.

A Recruiting company works on a contingency model: no hire, no pay. Recruiting firms do not work exclusively, they often compete with other contingency agencies on the same search.

There is a big difference in quality between executive search and contingency recruiting where the objective is to get as many resumes first to a client. An executive search firm screens a candidate thoroughly before presenting them to the client, therefore only a curated group of top candidates are presented. 

With a contingency firm, the emphasis is on the high quantity of resumes sent to HR, which in turn has to spend a lot of time reviewing. The high quantity does not necessarily equate to quality and speed of search. Additionally, the candidate experience is often quite poor when the search is not exclusive as in contingency search. Candidates are often contacted by multiple recruiters for the same job, all in hopes of being the first contingency recruiter to submit their resume to the client and often don’t receive any feedback.

Is Burō Talent an executive search firm?

We are, but not in the traditional sense.

1. We offer a more competitive and flexible search agreement than the traditional search firms offer. Our contract is based on positive deliverables and client satisfaction, we are not paid on a pre-set timetable regardless of progress.

2. We do not hand over the search to other recruiters or administrative staff like other firms do. We, the two partners, are 100% involved and manage each search from beginning to closure. While we are supported by a research staff, who are non client facing.

We pride ourselves on a positive candidate experience as we strongly believe when we work on a search, we are an extension of our client, an ambassador of their brand.  

We want candidates to have a positive perception of the brand even if they do not get the role. This long term relationship we build with our candidates is also why they always respond positively to us when we contact them for a role. Theytrust us. They know we understand their special expertise and why the role and client we are proposing would be of interest to them.  We do not waste our client’s or candidate’s time.

How does Burō Talent maintain a close to 100% placement ratio?

Other firms work on many searches at the same time because they have high overheads to manage. For them, search is transactional.

We are only interested in providing the best service for our clients, 100% satisfaction which can only be done if we, the partners, remain personally involved during the entire search process.

We also limit the amount of searches we work on to be able to personally place each search we are assigned from beginning to end. That's how we can guarantee a close to 100% placement satisfaction for our clients. This is why we love what we do.

Our success is also attributed to our close and nurtured relationships with talented candidates. When Burō Talent reaches out to top talents, candidates respond quickly because of our reputation. We understand and respect our talent’s values and requirements.

Who are your clients?

Burō Talent are selective with the clients we take on. If we believe we are not the best firm to conduct a search because it falls outside our special expertise, we will decline the search. Our clients range within Fashion & Accessories, Beauty, Consumer Goods, Retail and Services. We are uniquely positioned in that we have special expertise in both creative and marketing roles. To see a sample of our clients click here.

Which searches fall within Buro Talent’s special expertise?

We focus on Director to C-suite talent in the following areas:

Creative Executive Search:
360 Brand Design, Store Design, Visual Merchandising, Experiential Design

Product Executive Search:
Category Management,  Merchandising, Design - Fashion, Accessories, Jewelry, Home

Marketing Executive Search:
Brand, Digital, Multichannel, Partnerships

The two partners, Damian and Janou, complement each other in many ways. Janou is often referred to as an Icon of the Creative search industry, and Damian brings international in- house experience with Global Brands specifically in Product & Marketing.


Meet us
