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Our 6 Step Executive Search Process

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Our mission is to discover creative and marketing leaders with original ideas

Burō Talent believes bringing the right talent to the right opportunity is more than just a matching exercise. Evaluating candidates beyond the surface requires special skills, intuition and talent that goes beyond the typical questions of; where do you see yourself in 5 years from now, or what are your strengths and weaknesses? 

We try to get into the mindset of each candidate: why are you here, what motivates you to look elsewhere, what really makes you happy or excited in work and life. Everything leads to: who are you, not just what are your skills, years of experience and education.

Burō Talent’s executive search business was built from a legacy as the leading force in the creative search industry for the last 35 years. Our goal is to help your brand transition to a more Innovative and Design Thinking organization by hiring the kind of talent that has the experience to do that. We don’t find employees for your company - we find talent and leaders who will take your brand to the next level, anticipating the future.

Our executive search process is a well thought out 6-point process that leads the candidate through the hiring process right on through post-hire monitoring and candidate guidance. We want to make sure that the candidates we select for our clients are for the long-term, fit the culture of the company and are focused on driving overall growth and profitability for the company.

Below is our 6-point process we have designed to find you the right talent or inspiring leaders to be your next executive.

1. Client Brief

The first step in the executive search process is understanding the client’s hiring needs.  We want to dive deep in our client’s history, the CEO’s vision, the desired goals, the business strategy, the company’s culture and timing. Often we help write job descriptions, advise on the org. structure or industry based compensations. We listen carefully to what type of people work well in the organization and which people don’t seem to flourish despite “perfect” backgrounds.  

Once we have interviewed our client and we have answered all our client’s questions and have reached a good level of understanding and trust, we draw up a profile for the perfect candidate - a crucial element built from client input. Creating a profile is to make sure our understanding is aligned and match our client’s specific needs and desired profile.  Additionally, understanding the challenges of the role (particularly when backfilling a role) requires an analysis of past employees in the same position.

2. Search Strategy

After we have finalized the brief with our client, we develop a comprehensive search strategy. 

Our process identifies target companies and brands that our clients think would be a good fit for their brand and we always ask for a restricted client list. With an intimate understanding of job performance and metrics, we are able to identify potential leads within our network, which has been built over the decades. 

We will then identify talent from our proprietary network developed from our years of experience along with additional research via social media, relevant industries, upcoming brands and desired brands. 

3. Candidate Presentation

As a first step, we create a long list based on the search strategy. Before we make the first introductions, we submit the candidate to extensive video or in person interviews to determine whether they would be the right fit among a wide selection of metrics. These metrics include skillset, personality, industry experience, job history, special talents, and more. 

Burō Talent then introduces the first few candidates and provides weekly/bi-weekly reports to the client indicating the special qualities of each candidate, their desired compensation, a short view of their job history and our professional assessment highlighting positives and potential negatives.

4. Interviews

After our clients have received the first search report detailing the candidates’ profiles which we, the partners describe in detail, answering any questions our clients have, they select who they wish to interview. If the client is pursuing an out of town talent, the first interview would often be via remote video interfaces such as Skype after which point the client will decide if they want to invite the candidate for an in-person interview.  The candidates will go through a series of interviews with the potential of a project as part of the process.

5. Follow-Up and Conclusion

Before the client is ready to make an offer, we have informed our client and candidate of compensation expectations, visa requirements and starting dates to avoid complications or discrepancies. Normally, we extend the offer on our client’s behalf and advise both client and candidate during the negotiation process to reach a positive acceptance where both client and candidate are happy. During this process, we check the candidate’s references which we submit to our client in written form. 

To complete the process, we follow up with all the candidates who were not selected to give them constructive feedback. This is a very important last step we take to make sure that the candidate experience was positive from the candidate’s perspective even if they were not selected. Nobody should be left hanging, it is respectful to always provide feedback and continue to build on the candidate relationship.

6. Search Management

After the candidate has started working for the client, we continue to stay in touch with both candidate and client to make sure there is a smooth adjustment period. If there are any issues on either side, we will participate as needed to assist. To continue open communication and transparency is the key to a successful and long-term hire.


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